I was looking at a star and I noticed something. I realized that the spikes of light that shined out in all directions were just an illusion. We can only see the light that enters our eyes. We can't see light going from point A to point B, we can only see light going from point A to our retna. The twinkle we see when looking at a star is light shimmering off particles in the atmosphere between that star and your pupil.
What I've come to realize is that light is everywhere. We only perceive it as it leaves it's source and as it reflects off of matter. Light would appear vastly more pervasive if we could see it fly perpendicular to our sight line. I envisioned in my mind the sky if we could see the light of stars growing outward like a bubble. Then I realized that the only place in space where was no light was where there was matter. Matter reflects light and casts a shadow.
There was nothing. A void. Then god said "Let there be light" and it was good. That light entered the void and turned nothing into space. That space is the building block of our universe.