I have carried a strong admiration for tigers since I was little kid. I always thought tiger stripes were a little flamboyant to be useful as camouflage but their beauty is undeniable. A big orange, black and white cat stuck out like a sour thumb in my young imagination. When I started painting, I found that orange and black could blend together to make a muted brown and I further realized that the white fur on their underside counteracts the shadow that their body would cast making them flat and formless to whatever they were stalking.
You may see me coming but your not ready for what I'm bringing
THE SEXY BEAST! ...that tiger is cute too. hahahahahaha
I'M a tiger!!! (year of)
you probably don't remember one my paintings from the first summer i was here because you weren't here...but it was a blend of tiger stripes and zebra stripes!!!! camouflagey!!!
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