Light is a language. It has infinite words and letters. It is fundamental to existence. Light is in limbo floating between matter and space. Light is a fulcrum, a bridge, a foundation, a root ball, a nutrient.
On August 24, 2010 My fiance and I took a trip to Paris France. It was a life changing experience. Paris is a magical place of beauty and culture. We stayed at Hotel Aiglon in Mont Parnasse. If you were wondering, no the parisian weren't rude, they were kind and helpful, and most everyone that works in the hospitality industry spoke english. I visited a bunch of museums, went to a knife shop, ate croissants, walked the streets and drank espresso.
I visited Le Centre Pompidou, the modern art museum, which was absolutely mind blowing. A visit to Le Louvre is mandatory while in Paris. While there everything I learned in art history 101 at AIB was brought to life and punctuated. The Mona Lisa is all hype and the french sculptures where defiantly my favorite. I also went to the Musee D'orsay where I saw Van Goghs and Gaugains and tons of beautiful sculptures. Unfortunately I could film it there, because in that museum I saw the most awesome little sculpture of a woman with a marble body, ivory arms and face and a bronze hat, it was over the top gorgeous.
We took an awesome boat ride up the Seine river and kissed under the Eiffel tower.
Watch the video
Monday, June 14, 2010
I was looking at a star and I noticed something. I realized that the spikes of light that shined out in all directions were just an illusion. We can only see the light that enters our eyes. We can't see light going from point A to point B, we can only see light going from point A to our retna. The twinkle we see when looking at a star is light shimmering off particles in the atmosphere between that star and your pupil.
What I've come to realize is that light is everywhere. We only perceive it as it leaves it's source and as it reflects off of matter. Light would appear vastly more pervasive if we could see it fly perpendicular to our sight line. I envisioned in my mind the sky if we could see the light of stars growing outward like a bubble. Then I realized that the only place in space where was no light was where there was matter. Matter reflects light and casts a shadow.
There was nothing. A void. Then god said "Let there be light" and it was good. That light entered the void and turned nothing into space. That space is the building block of our universe.
It's hard to admit, but my first knife was a swiss army knife I stole from my dad when I was little. Later I got a 5 inch folder with a wooden handle marked 007. I lost those knives, but my interest was sparked. I went to the knife store to get a new knife. I got a Benchmade monarch. When I was at the knife shop I met this beautiful lady that worked there who had long grey hair, she told me about Spyderco and I liked them so bought a few. I got an endura and a police model. Then I lost the police model, the endura was confiscated by the cops and the BM got me expelled from high school. Sometime later I got a new endura, it was my only knife. I broke the tip-off of it. I sent it to spyderco to have it fixed and they refused, So I refused to buy anymore knives from them. I set off to find a better knife than a spyderco. I tried kershaw. I got an AO blackout, it was one of the 1st assisted knives ever. I loved it, but it was stolen. Then I tried SOG. I got a flash II, a pentagon elite and a trident. I lost the flash, gave away the trident and still have the pentagon. I still couldn't find a knife as cool as my Spyercos. Then came back around to Benchmade and picked up a 710. It's been mostly benchmades since then, with favorite being a 630bk. I've started buying Spydercos again. I bought endura 4 with reenforced tip the day it came out, I'll a get a Szabo folding fly when it comes out.
Here is a little time-lapse video I made this morning. The actual video is only around 15 minutes but since everybody has ADHD now-a-days I shrank it down to 2 minutes. Turn up the volume.
I'm like a triple threat. Painter, film-maker, rapper/producer, what will I conquer next. Video-games?
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Damn. I hate making comments about current events. My blog is about sharing timeless wisdom. Unfortunately a whale trainer was killed by a whale. A Killer whale. It's sad. People are vilifying a captive animal and a woman that loved whales has brought a lot of heat on her friends. That orca has killed 2 other people.
I guess people shouldn't trap killer whales in pools and force them to do tricks.
A lonely God creates Adam, and then modeled Eve out of Adam's ribs. Eve sinned by eatin an apple from the tree of knowledge and brought death.
Sorry, but I have to suggest that humans kill and always have. Killing is how we became human. We have always known how to kill and we will never forget. An earthling; flora or fauna gave it's life so you have dinner tonight.