It's hard to admit, but my first knife was a swiss army knife I stole from my dad when I was little. Later I got a 5 inch folder with a wooden handle marked 007. I lost those knives, but my interest was sparked. I went to the knife store to get a new knife. I got a Benchmade monarch. When I was at the knife shop I met this beautiful lady that worked there who had long grey hair, she told me about Spyderco and I liked them so bought a few. I got an endura and a police model. Then I lost the police model, the endura was confiscated by the cops and the BM got me expelled from high school. Sometime later I got a new endura, it was my only knife. I broke the tip-off of it. I sent it to spyderco to have it fixed and they refused, So I refused to buy anymore knives from them. I set off to find a better knife than a spyderco. I tried kershaw. I got an AO blackout, it was one of the 1st assisted knives ever. I loved it, but it was stolen. Then I tried SOG. I got a flash II, a pentagon elite and a trident. I lost the flash, gave away the trident and still have the pentagon. I still couldn't find a knife as cool as my Spyercos. Then came back around to Benchmade and picked up a 710. It's been mostly benchmades since then, with favorite being a 630bk. I've started buying Spydercos again. I bought endura 4 with reenforced tip the day it came out, I'll a get a Szabo folding fly when it comes out.
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