Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Circular System

People strive for perfection. We never seem to find it. Some people say that "Nothing is perfect". I think they are absolutely correct. We search for : good, beauty, love, light, power, life and eternity. We fight: hate, death, darkness, weakness and evil. Little known to the masses is that perfection lies in the middle of these too extremes, invisible. Perfection is nothing.

Nothing is the state of non-existence. Even though nothing doesn't exist there are many thing that portray it's traits like: zero, birth, darkness, space, present, life, death, neutral, circles and balance. Here is where you can find perfection.

There are many thousands of ways to describe the universe. But I like to keep it simple. Positive Zero Negative. I call it the PZN system for short

Before the universe there was nothing. Then either GOD said "let there be light" or the Big Bang occurred. They sound like the same thing to me. What is important is that there was nothing out there for a long time. I see this as a story of macroevolution. The fact is, that nothing evolved into time. Nothing plus time equals space. Time plus space equals light. Space plus light equals matter. This hierarchy is creation, and a proper understanding of it makes life a lot more meaningful, because it shows we have a lot more in common with the universe than we thought.

Positive Zero Negative is the framework of time and everything that exists within it. Time holds three forms Past, Present, and Future. The past is equal to negative. The Present is equal to zero. And the future is equal to positive. Time is the perfect illustration of the PZN system because it is clear that nor the past or the future exist. We realize there couldn't be today without yesterday as a foundation, and it is clear that we will be able to build upon today tomorrow. But we must understand that yesterday is gone forever and tomorrow is not guaranteed. Leaving only this present second in existence. The future is pulled into the present them pushed into the past.

There are three dimensions that correlate with the PZN system. There is Height, Width, Depth. The images we view on paper are two dimensional, but on paper height and width are interchangeable, depending on the orientation of the paper. And there are very few things that exist in either the 1st or 2nd dimensions. I have found that light is the first dimension. In other words "Light is Height", more specifically light from a light source is in the 1st dimension. When the light is reflected off matter it transforms into the 2nd dimension and the third dimension is the dark side of the matter or the depth. "Dark is Depth". The reflected light is what makes up the reality that we live. Light comes from stars it bounced around our planet it enters our minds and is absorbed by plants and the earth, energizing us.

The reason that I have chosen to shine light on this three-tiered PZN system is because I feel that our two-tiered understanding of the universe is insufficient. We tend to see things as being black or white, positive or negative, good or evil, right or wrong, yin or yang, up or down, man or woman. We believe that if you continue down the positive path then we will find perfection at the end of this journey. In truth, it is gray and it's thousands of variations that is perfect. Zero is perfect due it's absence of flaws. Balance is perfect and it is achieved between any two opposites. The battle of the sexes has been fought in many cultures but perfection is the spark of life that men and women produce when they come together to make a baby.

Polarization is not the path to truth.

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