Monday, February 11, 2008

Crazy Artist's Statement

My Mom named me Jason but they call me SWAT. Simultaneously Witnessing All Things is what I write but it is also what I do. I'm one of the founding members of the legendary ALA crew and I've been heavy in the Boston graffiti scene since 1992. I've been at the center of controversy and have had to fend off a lot of hatred, but everyone that really knows the deal respects me as one of the craziest writers to ever walk the streets of Boston. I like to draw, use a paint brush and sculpt, but my favorite medium is spraypaint.

I paint to open eyes and stimulate minds. The life we all share, is the inspiration for my work. I am out to debunk lies and expose the truth. I've been able to read between the lines and formulate a personal reality in which all things work together to form existence. My paintings illustrate the true purpose of life on earth, and reveal the role we play in our vast universe.

It has been a constant struggle for me to convey the truth, because people are scared of it. Cowards run this world, with big bucks, big lies and big guns. I've got big balls and I will fight and die before I betray my people and the bond we share. I have answers for life's biggest questions, and there are people that don't want you to know the truth, so I paint. Paintings are archival, so hopefully my story will be told even if the secret puppet master pulls a string and kills me for empowering the people he exploits.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is an excellent example of an artist statement. i will use it as a model in LIT